1. Application Guidelines
a. General Instructions
- Please review all information below before submitting your application.
- Registration confirmation is subject to the specified criteria and entry rules.
b. Application Restrictions
- You can apply for only One marathon category.
- Multiple applications will result in all entries being disqualified.
- Use a single email address for your application.
c. Confirmation Criteria
- Confirmation depends on meeting the specified conditions and qualification criteria.
- Applicants will only be confirmed for the race category they applied for.
d. Registration Process
- Register online using the provided link and pay the applicable entry fees.
- No individual or group is authorized to collect entries on behalf of FestiCorp Events.
e. Group Entries
- Accepted only for Senior Citizens’ Run, and Kids Champions.
- All group members must meet the minimum age requirements.
- Follow the online process for group or corporate registration.
f. Pre-application Checklist
Before applying, ensure you:
- Fill in all mandatory fields marked with ‘*’ in the application form.
- Pay the required entry fees.
- Agree to the waiver, consent, and entry rules.
- Meet the minimum age eligibility.
g. Application Corrections
h. Age Categories
- Half Marathon runners will be categorized by age for awards.
i. Application Status
- Check your application status on the event website within 7 working days of registration.
- If you have trouble checking your status, contact the event on email contact@festicorp.events
- Half Marathon participants will see their confirmation status 7 working days after registration closes.
2. Bib Collection
a. Bib Collection
- Collect your running bibs from FestiCorp Events between August 5th and 9th, 2024, from 6 pm to 9 pm.
- It is mandatory for all individual participants to collect their bibs personally.
- Note: We will not be providing any T-Shirts for this event.
b. Required Documents for Bib Collection
- Application confirmation.
- Government-approved photo ID proof (Aadhar Card / Pan Card)
c. Representative Bib Collection
- If unable to collect personally, a representative may collect your bib, but only for one participant.
- The representative must carry:
- Application confirmation.
- Government-approved photo ID of the runner.
d. Group Bib Collection
- Group representatives can collect bibs for their entire team.
- Carry the following:
- Printed group confirmation email.
- Signed authorization letter on NGO/company letterhead.
- Government-approved photo ID of the representative and all the participants
e. No Postal Delivery
- Bibs will not be mailed to individual addresses and must be collected between 6 pm to 9 pm between 5th August to 9th August 2024.
3. Entry Rejection and Refund Policy
a. No Refunds
- No refunds will be issued for application fees under any circumstances.
b. Non-participation
- Application fees will not be refunded for non-participation, including failure to collect the bib or being unwell on race day.
e. Unauthorized Use of Codes
- Using unauthorized corporate/group codes may result in entry denial.
4. Entry Deferment Policy
a. Event Cancellation
- If the event is cancelled, your entry will be deferred to the next edition with no additional fees.
b. Reduced Participation
- If participation must be reduced due to government protocols, entries will be deferred based on a last-in-first-out rule.
- Reduced participation will impact the prize and the minimum requirement for participation for the age category defined for males and females separately as below:-
- 8 years to 14 years – Minimum participants 15 members / athletes
- 18 years to 44 years – Minimum participants 15 athletes
- 45 years + - Minimum participants 15 athletes
Note: If the participation of athletes is below the said number for males and females for age and / or gender category and / or Kms category then, the ultimate decision on the prize money and the participation will be the organizers and management.
5. Other Important Points
a. Non-transferability
- Participation rights are non-transferable.
c. Verification
- Participant identity and residence may be verified. Incorrect information will result in disqualification with no refund.
d. Bib Misuse
- Unauthorized bib use will lead to disqualification and possible legal action.
e. Media Use
- Any media recorded by participants is for personal use only and cannot be commercialized.
6. Amendment Rights
- The event promoter reserves the right to amend these terms without notice.
7. Health Checkup and Issues
- All Marathon Participants for all the age groups and categories should ensure that they are medically fit to take part in this Marathon. Event Organizers are not responsible for any health related occur during the marathon.
- However, we will have emergency Doctors and Medical Van stationed to void any unforeseen circumstances.
FestiCorp Events does not provide any baggage counter and FestiCorp Events will not take any responsibility of any nature for the Loss of any property of the participants.
Participants hereby please note that FestiCorp Events will not be held responsible for any Marathon winning prize declared as this is provided by Sponsors and FestiCorp Events will not be able to disclose any information on the Sponsor and that the Participants will not be able to claim any such demand irrespective of the Circumstances and Situations. By Participating in such Marathon, Participants agree to the Terms and Conditions mentioned here with.
Participants are hereby requested to follow all the rules and regulations laid by FestiCorp Events any violation of rules will result in disqualification of participation at any point of the Event.
Event Promoter reserves the right to amend or alter the terms of the Mumbai Monsoon Midnight Marathon at any point in time without any notice.
With Thanks.
FestiCorp Events Management.